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Dementia Home Care

Top Quality Caregiving Recruitment


ur high-quality dementia home care means there is no need for someone living with dementia to move into a care home. Our tailored in-home service focuses completely on our clients and what is best for them.

Despite the difficult outlook of patients suffering from these conditions, they’re still able to lead a semblance of their normal lives. They can still interact with their loved ones and family members if they get proper care.

Our high-quality dementia home care means there is no need for someone living with dementia to move into a care home. Our tailored in-home service focuses completely on our clients and what is best for them.

Health professionals believe that a consistent routine and familiar surroundings are crucial for ensuring the stability of dementia sufferers. A similar principle applies to those who suffer from Alzheimer’s.


If you have a family member who is struggling and you don’t want to put them in residential care, Mansion ABLH Recruitment Agency can help. Our expert dementia carers understand the importance of consistency and are ready to provide care in the patient’s home.


The Alzheimer’s and dementia home care approach usually puts the least amount of stress and strain on the person being cared for. They will stay in familiar surroundings, and their daily routine will likely be much the same as it was in previous years.


We select carers with good experience dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s sufferers and ensure that there is an absolute minimum of disruption for our clients. These specialists undergo a training program and can handle any difficulties posed by your loved one’s illness. They can offer one-to-one care for dementia patients and handle issues with behaviour, mobility, or any unexpected situations that may arise.

Having a firm understanding of your loved one’s medical condition and mental state, our carers will adapt their care and communication towards the circumstances and make the experience as convenient as possible.


Find us

2.17, Trafford House, Chester Road, Old Trafford, M32 0RS
075 3513 1778, 07403994332

Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 09 am – 07 pm
Sat: 09 am – 05 pm

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