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Emergency Home Care

Top Quality Caregiving Recruitment


ife is full of surprises and unexpected changes. Some of these surprises, like meeting an old friend or receiving a gift from a stranger are truly special and brighten up our day. Unfortunately, we also face situations when the changes are not pleasant and disrupt our plans. If you are in a tight spot, and urgently need help caring for a loved one who cannot care for themselves, you should consider taking advantage of the emergency home care services we provide.

If you have a family member who is ill or unable to move around much due to their age, you are probably quite familiar with the great amount of time and effort that goes into caring for them. This care is a serious commitment to the family member’s health and safety. Especially since leaving them without the proper care even for a day can have disastrous results.

So what can you do if your sick loved one is suddenly left with no one to care for them due to life circumstances?

It should be mentioned that this service is not the same as emergency medical assistance, because medical emergencies should be dealt with by doctors and hospital staff.

When you may need emergency home care

As much as we might try to plan out and micromanage our daily routines, these plans rarely hold up when put to the test with the unexpected twists life throws at us.

Many different situations would lead to the need for emergency home care:


  • The spouse of your loved one has passed away or fallen very ill. Upon reaching old age, spouses rely on each other more than ever for support with all that ails them. Thus, when one of the two is left without this pillar of support, finding someone to provide them with even the basic level of care becomes critical.

  • The person previously caring for the family member is suddenly absent or unavailable. Having a designated career that you relied on for a long time suddenly fail to show up can be a bit of a shock, but it doesn’t have to be a hopeless situation.

  • You are taking a trip or have other new obligations. If you are the main person caring for your family member and suddenly some time-limiting obligations or travels come up, you will certainly need to find someone else to carry out the work for you.

  • The health of your loved one has suddenly deteriorated. Even the strongest and liveliest of elderly folk can see their mobility and aptitude quickly take a hit with the onset of illness. While they were once capable of day-to-day tasks before, they will now need to rely on someone to care for them.

The Emergency Home Care We Provide

If you sign up for our urgent care services, you can expect us to quickly find and assign a qualified professional to care for your loved one.


After an arrangement is made, this carer will come to the house and provide the watchful and attentive care that your loved one needs. This person will help them with moving around, carrying out daily tasks, give medical assistance. The carer can also provide company to someone who is going through a tough time and benefits from human contact.


If round-the-clock supervision is required, our specialists will be able to live in the given house throughout the duration of the contract.


Speaking of the contract, we offer a flexible 48-hour arrangement that can be tailored to your needs. You will only need to cover costs for the duration of the care used and will be able to start and stop the care at any time you find convenient.

Find us

2.17, Trafford House, Chester Road, Old Trafford, M32 0RS
075 3513 1778, 07403994332

Opening hours

Mon – Fri: 09 am – 07 pm
Sat: 09 am – 05 pm

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